Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery
Occurs when a worn out hip is replaced with with an artificial joint because of fracture or arthritis.
Some complaints and complication after surgery include:
Scarring or adhesions that affect range of motion
Misalignment in muscles and joints that can produce chronic pain
Embolism, or blockage inside a blood vessel can be a complication after hip replacement
Massage therapy has been known to contribute to lesser occurrences of embolism after hip replacement. It also helps patients with limiting scar tissue. Oftentimes, the muscles affected by the surgery, such as hamstrings, quads and larger glutes can tense up and continually fire and stay contracted. Massage of those muscles provides comfort and reduces the risk of chronic pain occurring.
Generally a wait of 3 weeks post op is recommended but Manual Lymphatic Drainage or MLD in which long, light brush strokes can be performed as early as days after the surgery. I have helped many clients recover from post operative hip replacements. Several of my clients who underwent regular or routine massage have reported no issues whatsoever with their hips after replacement as a result.